Learning Tailwind CSS

A reference of popular TailwindCSS classes to use when designing pages

Learning Tailwind CSS

The following are some personal notes I took when learning the tailwindcss framework. Their docs are comprehensive and easy to navigate, and really nice to read, so I recommend starting & ending with them as you learn the framework. These notes are high-level and do not include all of the Tailwind classes you can use (there are sooo many to learn), but do cover some of the most popular ones.

About Tailwind

Utility-First Fundamentals

  1. Style elements by adding existing classes to your elements, e.g. p-5, mx-auto

  2. Design your entire site w/o writing css styles

  3. Want to reuse styles, e.g. text-xs text-slate-600 uppercase font-bold tracking-wider? Try putting these into a React component and reusing it.

  4. If you are reusing styles on a page, try using a loop or map to avoid duplication

Tailwind Sizes

  1. Most Tailwind sizes are in 0.25rem (where 1 rem = the pixel size of the root element's font size, often defaults to 16px).

  2. E.g. size 2 == 0.5rem, size 4 == 1rem, size 8 == 2rem

Custom Styles

  1. Customize Tailwind's default styles (e.g. colors and fonts) by adding them to your tailwind.config.js file. See the default configuration or read more at Adding Custom Styles.

Tailwind Modifiers (:)

  1. Modify a class to target a condition with a pseudo hover:, focus:, first-child:, required:, before:, etc

  2. Modify a class to target a condition with a tailwind tag visited:, focus-within:, dark:, etc.

  3. Modify a class to require a min size sm:, md:, lg:, xl:, 2xl:. Or set a max size with max-xl

    1. sm = element >= 640px

    2. md = element >= 768px

    3. lg = element >= 1024px

    4. xl = element >= 1280px

    5. 2xl = element >= 1536px

  4. Stack modifiers in sequence to combine them, e.g. dark:hover:bg-sky-700

  5. Modifiers are great for first/last padding, zebra, forms, parent state, sibling state (floating labels!), placeholder formatting, buttons, etc. See the quick reference for all the modifiers

Layout Classes


These classes are shortcuts for the css display: ??? classes, a core part of CSS layout which can magically transform ordinary elements (often div's) into other elements.

blockSets a block element, starts on new line, takes up full width
contentsSets the element to be replaced by its children
flexSets a flex container
gridSets a grid container
inlineSets an inline element, height/width ignored
inline-blockSets an inline element, height/width observed
inline-flexSets an inline flex container
inline-gridSets an inline grid container
inline-tableSets an inline table
list-itemSets a li element
noneSets the element as essentially removed
tableSets a table
table-???Sets a table element, eg caption, thead, tr, etc.

Column and Page Break


All Other Layout Classes

aspect-[auto,square,video]Set the aspect ratio
containerSets taking up full width, uncentered
columns-#Sets # of columns in element
box-decoration-[clone,slice]Sets how element fragments (eg gradient) are rendered across items
box-[border,content]Sets if borders & padding are included when height/width are specified
[float,clear]-[right,left,none]Controls wrapping content around an element
object-[...]Sets how items fit and are positioned in their containers
overflow-[...]Sets how items handle content that is too large
overscroll-[...]Sets what the browser does at the edge of a scrollable area
[static,fixed,absolute,relative,sticky]Sets how an item is positioned in the DOM
[left,top,right,bottom]-#Set placement of positioned element in QuarterRem's
[inset-[x,y-]-#Set the all/horiz/vert placement of positioned element in QuarterRem's
[visible,invisible,collapse]Set the visibility of an item
z-#Set the stack order (z-index) of an item

Spacing Classes

p- (padding)t- (top)# QuarterRem's
m- (margin)r- (right)px (1px)
space-b- (bottom)auto
l- (left)
x- (horizontal)
y- (vertical)
'' (all 4 sides)

For example, p-px sets 1px spacing on all sides and space-x-2 sets 0.5rem spacing left and right.

Sizing Classes: Width & Height

w- (width)# QuarterRem's
h- (height)px (1px)

Sizing Classes: Min/Max Width & Height

max-[wh]-full (100%)
xs,sm,md,lg... (max-w only)

Flex & Grid Classes

Flex Containers

flexSets an element as a flex container
flex-[col,row][-reverse]Set the direction of a flex container
flex-[nowrap,wrap][-reverse]Set the flex container's wrap policy

Flex Items

basis-#Set the initial size of a flex item (QR's or fraction of total)
flex-[col,row][-reverse]Set the direction of a flex container
flex-[nowrap,wrap][-reverse]Set the flex container's wrap policy
flex-[1,auto,initial,none]Set the growth / shrink policy of a flex item
grow[-0]Set the growth policy of a flex item
shrink[-0]Set the shrink policy of a flex item
order-xSet the order of a flex item in its container

Grid Containers

gridSets an element as a grid container
grid-cols-#Set the # of columns
grid-rows-#Set the # of rows
grid-flow-[row,col,dense,row-dense,col-dense]Set the auto placement strategy
auto-cols-[auto,min,max,fr]Set the size of implicit columns
auto-rows-[auto,min,max,fr]Set the size of implicit rows

Grid Items

col-span-[#,full]Set a grid item to span multiple columns
col-[start,end]-#Set a grid item to start or end at the 1-based column
row-span-[#,full]Set a grid item to span multiple rows
row-[start,end]-#Set a grid item to start or end at the 1-based row
order-xSet the order of a grid item in its container

Flex & Grid Containers

gap-[x,y-]#Gap between items # QuarterRem's
justify-[around,between,center,evenly,end,start]Justify items along main axis
justify-items-[center,end,start,stretch]Justify item children
content-[around,baseline,between,center,evenly,end,start]Align rows
items-[baseline,center,end,start,stretch]Align items along cross-axis
pace-content-[around,baseline,between,center, end,evenly,start,stretch]Justify and align

Flex & Grid Items

justify-[self-auto-center,end,start,stretch]Align an item along its inline axis
self-[auto,baseline,center,end,start,stretch]Align an item along its cross axis

Typography Classes


font-[serif,sans,mono]Set the font family (configure in tailwind.config.js)
text-[xs,sm,base,lg,xl,#xl]Set the font size (up to 9xl )
[not-]italicItalicize text
font-[thin,extralight,light,normal,medium, semibold,bold,extrabold,black]Set the font weight
text-[inherit,current,transparent,black,white,(color)]Set the text color (See the official color chart)
[underline,overline,line-through,no-underline]Set the text decoration
decoration-[inherit,current,transparent,black,white,(color)]Set the text decoration color
[uppercase,lowercase,capitalize,normal-case]Set the text case
indent-[px,#]Set the starting indent in QuarterRem's (or px for 1px)
align-[baseline,top,middle,bottom,text-top,text-bottom,sub,super]Set the vertical text alignment
leading-#Set the line height

Text Layout

indent-[px,#]Set the starting indent in QuarterRem's (or px for 1px)
align-[baseline,top,middle,bottom,text-top,text-bottom,sub,super]Set the vertical text alignment
leading-#Set the line height
whitespace-[normal,nowrap,pre,pre-line,pre-wrap]Set the text wrapping policy
break-[normal,words,all,keep]Set the word break policy


list-[none,disc,decimal]Set the type of list (bullet vs number)
list-[inside,outside]Set the indentation of a list